Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Shaklee - Omega Guard

Today my staff tunjuk allergy yang dia Ada kat tangan dia. Dah berkurangan.. Alhamdulillah.
My staff ni baru beli Omega Guard lepas dia baca benefits kat my brochure. Dia immediately makan & alhamdulillah Ada perubahan positive kat kulit dia.

Dia juga seorang anak yang baik sebab belikan untuk mak dia set untuk tulang. Bukan dia sorang tapi Ada staff sorang lagi yang belikan untuk mak dia kat kampung!! Baguskan..

Khasiat Omega Guard ni banyak..
1. Untuk kulit
2. Untuk obesity
3. Untuk hormon
4. Untuk tulang.. & banyak lagi..

Tunggu apa lagi.. Pm @ whatsapp saya kat 0123462139

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Shaklee - set for bones & joints

When I was discharge from Hospital about a month ago, the doctor supplied me with steroids for pain management. It made me blotted & put on weight. I was so angry because I have just manage to reduce 3 kilos in Sept. However, thinking about my pain, I was forced to take the steroids.. There goes my diet!!!

I put on about 9 kilos in 1 month. The Doc told me that taking steroids will cause water retention. I wa also advised by the doctor to take extra calcium & Vit D because the steroids side effect is losing slim in your bone which will lead to osteoporosis.

Now on daily basis, I have never missed my daily intake of Vita Lea, Ostematrix, Omega Guard & Vit C.
This will help to increased the calcium in my bones.

The choice is yours, change your lifestyle with Shaklee.
Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123462139

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Shaklee - set kurus budget

Most of the time, kita selalu dengar orang cakap yang dia tengah diet. Maksudnya, dia tengah Cuba kuruskan badan dia or in a simple English language, "reduce weight".

Now my understanding of reducing weight is not to look thin but to stay healthy & energetic. However I have problems to reduce weight. Nevertheless, I still eat healthy food so that my cholesterol, sugar & uric acid level is minimal.

My hubby always tell me this" age gracefully" . What he meant is to do anything that suits our age. If you cannot do any physical exercise, a simple brisk walk will do. If you cannot jog around the taman, take a walk. It will help you to stay healthy.

Another thing, stop smoking for the guys. It's bad for health. Besides doing your medical check up regularly, take daily supplements to increase your body immune system. Take Shaklee supplements.
Try taking:
1. Vitamin C
2. Vita lea
3. Ostematrix
4. Omega guard
5. B complex
6. Lecithin
7. Alfalfa

Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123472139

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Shaklee - Omega Guard goodness!!!!

Lamanya tak update blog.. Busy ngan keja office.. Yesss. Alhamdulillah I'm back in the office.. Keja duniawi. Hari ni nak cite pasal Shaklee Omega Guard. 
My fren baru start makan set wanita which is inclusive of Omega Guard, Ostematrix & GLA & Vita lea. Semalam message dia & Tanya khabar. Masha Allah, seronoknya bila dia cite yang her health condition has improved.. Dia tak cepat letih, rasa active & sakit pinggang dia pun dah kurang..
Rasa bertambah semangat untuk promote Shaklee..
Memang harga produk Shaklee mahal sikit tp most of the products tahan untuk 2 bulan.. So teruk dada Tanya selera.. Kesihatan diri Kena jaga sbb dengan tenaga kudrat kita mencari rezeki di dunia ni.. Dan jugak menambah saham akhirat!!! Pikirxx kan!!!