Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Shaklee - Omega Guard

Today my staff tunjuk allergy yang dia Ada kat tangan dia. Dah berkurangan.. Alhamdulillah.
My staff ni baru beli Omega Guard lepas dia baca benefits kat my brochure. Dia immediately makan & alhamdulillah Ada perubahan positive kat kulit dia.

Dia juga seorang anak yang baik sebab belikan untuk mak dia set untuk tulang. Bukan dia sorang tapi Ada staff sorang lagi yang belikan untuk mak dia kat kampung!! Baguskan..

Khasiat Omega Guard ni banyak..
1. Untuk kulit
2. Untuk obesity
3. Untuk hormon
4. Untuk tulang.. & banyak lagi..

Tunggu apa lagi.. Pm @ whatsapp saya kat 0123462139

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Shaklee - set for bones & joints

When I was discharge from Hospital about a month ago, the doctor supplied me with steroids for pain management. It made me blotted & put on weight. I was so angry because I have just manage to reduce 3 kilos in Sept. However, thinking about my pain, I was forced to take the steroids.. There goes my diet!!!

I put on about 9 kilos in 1 month. The Doc told me that taking steroids will cause water retention. I wa also advised by the doctor to take extra calcium & Vit D because the steroids side effect is losing slim in your bone which will lead to osteoporosis.

Now on daily basis, I have never missed my daily intake of Vita Lea, Ostematrix, Omega Guard & Vit C.
This will help to increased the calcium in my bones.

The choice is yours, change your lifestyle with Shaklee.
Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123462139

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Shaklee - set kurus budget

Most of the time, kita selalu dengar orang cakap yang dia tengah diet. Maksudnya, dia tengah Cuba kuruskan badan dia or in a simple English language, "reduce weight".

Now my understanding of reducing weight is not to look thin but to stay healthy & energetic. However I have problems to reduce weight. Nevertheless, I still eat healthy food so that my cholesterol, sugar & uric acid level is minimal.

My hubby always tell me this" age gracefully" . What he meant is to do anything that suits our age. If you cannot do any physical exercise, a simple brisk walk will do. If you cannot jog around the taman, take a walk. It will help you to stay healthy.

Another thing, stop smoking for the guys. It's bad for health. Besides doing your medical check up regularly, take daily supplements to increase your body immune system. Take Shaklee supplements.
Try taking:
1. Vitamin C
2. Vita lea
3. Ostematrix
4. Omega guard
5. B complex
6. Lecithin
7. Alfalfa

Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123472139

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Shaklee - Omega Guard goodness!!!!

Lamanya tak update blog.. Busy ngan keja office.. Yesss. Alhamdulillah I'm back in the office.. Keja duniawi. Hari ni nak cite pasal Shaklee Omega Guard. 
My fren baru start makan set wanita which is inclusive of Omega Guard, Ostematrix & GLA & Vita lea. Semalam message dia & Tanya khabar. Masha Allah, seronoknya bila dia cite yang her health condition has improved.. Dia tak cepat letih, rasa active & sakit pinggang dia pun dah kurang..
Rasa bertambah semangat untuk promote Shaklee..
Memang harga produk Shaklee mahal sikit tp most of the products tahan untuk 2 bulan.. So teruk dada Tanya selera.. Kesihatan diri Kena jaga sbb dengan tenaga kudrat kita mencari rezeki di dunia ni.. Dan jugak menambah saham akhirat!!! Pikirxx kan!!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Shaklee- give our baby the gift of love

Your hope for your baby begins from the moment you hear the first heartbeat. You hope for her good health and safety and you want to protect her as soon as you can..
Health begins in the womb!! Berries, beans, broccoli, cereals, eggs, citrus fruits and juice are nutritious for babies.
Shaklee offers the best daily supplements for mother to be, during confinement , breastfeeding & to help you to get back in shape after the delivery.

Pm @ whatsapp me at 01234624. Visit my FB page, Ary Healthcare for more info. 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Today I went to see my doctors for follow-up after discharge from hospital. Both doctor couldn't identify whats wrong with my feet.
I'm upset & really disappointed because I'm on steroids for another 1 week. The steroids are making my bones losses my calcium.
Lucky for me Shaklee Ostematrix & Vita Lea has the vitamin D & calcium that I need to take besides my daily High Calcium milk intake.

Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123472139 or visit my FB page Ary Healthcare

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Today I woke up & thankful that Allah have given me another day to stay alive & healthy in this world.
So that I can do my best for 'dunia' & 'akhirat'.

Lets talk about energy today. We need all the energy that we can have to go thru the day!! With daily chores, task, stress & 'ibadah' that we will perform today.

Drink your Shaklee ESP to get the extra energy!!!

Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123472139 or visit my FB page Ary Healthcare

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Shaklee Independent Distributor

I have not been well these few weeks. My both feet were swollen & Doc couldn't find what's wrong with it.
First it was the spur that poke into my tendon & then next minute, there are liquid in my tendon with virus lying around it!!! Goshhhh!!! I couldn't walk!!!
I was admitted for 2 days n I get bored. The swollen were reduced & doc discharged me. I was on MC for 7 days. 
I went back to work cause I am a workaholic..( self praised )
1st day was ok although I was walking while in pain. My staffs really help me around the office, buying for me lunch. My BFF was superb, trying to make me feel happy.
2nd day worsen.. Can't hardly walk but since I've got system testing, I went to work & ignore the pain.
3rd day, I knew that my feet is not helping me at all.. It was huge by end of the day..
My hubby was furious & took me to hospital first thing in the morning.. Doc was surprised & admit me again.. Another doc took a look at me & notice that I've got rashes on my both leg. Both of them referred me to another doctor.
I was admitted again on Saturday... To the same room. Doc won't give me any medicine until the the 3rd doc sees me.
Guess what, the 3rd doc came & scrape a bit of my skin for lab test. Then only they put me on antibiotics & pain killer. The agony of pain for the last 48 hrs ends.
I was discharge on Monday night since Doc couldn't find what was actually causing the pain!!
I am still waiting for the final result on all the tests.. I'm seeing my doc next week again!!!
At least now I'm with my loved ones.. I've got my daughter as my nurse & my sons as my "Khadam"..
Nevertheless, I am still taking my Shaklee supplements because doc(s) put me on steroids, which will make put on weight!!!

Pm @ whatsapp me at 0123472139. Or visit my FB page Ary Healthcare

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Shaklee independent distributor

Assalamualaikum & selamat pagi.

Saya masih kat hospital pagi sbb doc tak tau virus apa yang attack kaki saya. Yang peliknya, bila kaki saya bengkak, doc tgk yang muka saya pun bengkak macam Ada " water retention". Ada red spot naik kat kaki.

So doc ambik darah lagi & Kali ni korek kulit kaki saya yang Ada "red spot". Hopefully hari ni doc bole bagi tau kenapa sakit n apa yang attack kaki saya.Jemu jugak duduk sorangxx kat hosp ni.

Tapi saya masih continue makan Shaklee supplement saya supaya angora badan yang lain masih kuat & bertenaga!!!

Saya makan Shaklee Lecithin & Omega Guard untuk peach lemak & kolesterol, alfalfa & herba lax untuk detox & ESP + Cinch untuk sumber protein. Alhamdulillah, saya tak Ada rasa malas nak bangun pagi & kat templates keja saya tak cepat penat.

Saya jugak makan Shaklee Collagen Powder, jerawat saya cepat kering & rambut pun tak banyak yang gugur.

Kalau nak Cuba produk Shaklee ni, pm @ whatsapp saya kat 0123472139  In shaa Allah saya Akan Cuba anti Kalau anda Ada masalah.. Atau pun masuk FB saya Ary Healthcare.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Shaklee independent distributor

Anakxx perempuan saya selalu Kena sakit period yang teruk. Kalau Sakit sampai beer selimut & pakai stokin. Saya pun beli Shaklee GLA & alhamdulillah, dah tak nampak berselimut & berstokin dia orang tu!!
Kita Kena usaha untuk mencari penawar kepada segala penyakit.

Pm @ whatsapp saya kat 0123472139 @ layari FB page saya Ary Healthcare.

Shaklee independent distributor

I was admitted again into the Hospital due to some virul attack in my body. My doctor advice me the same thing.." Time for me to find another job". He said that it is maybe due to stress & my body army cannot fight it anymore.

This maybe the sign from Allah swt, telling me, enough is enough. I have contributed enough for the society. Time for me to think about myself, family & loved ones!!! Age is catching up!! My "saham akhir at" need to be increased!!

My body needs all the supplement so that my strength will be full again.. Able to achieve my goal!!!
Shaklee offers wide range of supplements, for your children, bones & joints, beauty, pregnancy, confinement.. Name it & we have it.

Visit my fb page Ary Healthcare for info & pm me, whatsapp me at 0123472139

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Assalamulaikum & Good Morning my frens..

When you're working on a big project, do you try to take all on yourself or do you divide the tasks among your coworkers?
If you're the type to put in long hours to complete a project that would be better served by multiple brains and hands, it's time to learn how to delegate if you want to be effective manager!!!

Do not forget to take your daily supplements...

Visit my FB page, Ary Healthcare or msg me at 0123472139

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Shaklee independent distributor

Assalamualaikum & Good morning.

Shaklee offers wide range of products. Do browse my FB page, Ary Healthcare for more info.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

SHAKLEE Products

I have been using Shaklee for almost 5 months. I started with slimming set because I need to reduce my weight abt 3-4 kilos. I managed to reduce 2 kilos after 2 months. 
I've used Shaklee Collagen Powder & it really shows improvement on my face. My pimples have dried up and my skin doesn't look dry.

Pm @ whatsapp me at Ary Healthcare FB page..

Sunday, 3 November 2013

SHAKLEE VIVIX - a revolutionary breakthrough

A good nutrition plays a vital role in our well-being. Adding polyphenols nutrient extracted from fruits and plants to our diet provide sustaining health and vitality ths increases the energy level that we need to carry out daily tasks.

SHAKLEE brings you VIVIC, a botanical beverage mix packed with all the goodness to stay healthy and taste great too!!!

Offer for this month, buy 6 free 1.. Pm/whatsapp me at Ary Healthcare FB page & 0123472139

Manfaat VIVIX

- Menggalakkan ransangan penuaan yang sihat
- Bantu dalam menghalang kanser
- Mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung
- Mengurangkan komplikasi dalam pesakit diabetes
- Menyokong kesihatan sendi
- Mengurangkan insiden bagi penyakit Alzheimer
- Bantu mengurangkan  berat badan
- Meningkatkan sistem imun
- Meningkatkan kesihatan mata
- Menyokong Kesihatan kesuluruhan

 BUY 6 FREE 1 !!!

PM us at Aryhealthcare or Contact us 012-3472139 now for more info / purchase for SHAKLEE product